What I Offer

“If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.” -Unknown

My greatest passion is to enable my clients to connect with Self – the seat of consciousness and our deepest core of who we are.

When we are in Self, we feel our compassion, curiosity, calmness, clarity, courage, connectedness, confidence, or creativity (the 8C’s of IFS – Internal Family Systems).  From that expanded space of Self, we can safely and effectively interact with any of our inner parts that hold or carry our internal struggles, beliefs or concerns; and in that process begin to understand and  heal our relationship with them.

While I offer IFS (Internal Family Systems or Parts Work), I also include the modalities of Emotional Clearing, Dream Work and Biodynamic Massage as needed or requested. Sessions are online using Zoom or Skype except for biodynamic massage which is held in-person. Please go to my Contact page for more information or to book a session.


This is beautiful and intuitive work that is everyone’s birthright to explore.

Dreamwork Coaching

We all dream but not everyone remembers their dreams and not everyone understands a dream’s potential value in how it may influence one’s lifepath.  We’ll explore your dreams, provide methods for dream recall, if needed, and begin integrating your dream life into your waking life.

“Societies that value dreams evolve recognized techniques for approaching the dream source for guidance and healing.”

“Before you can work with your dreams, you have to catch them. Dream catching is an exciting sport, the most thrilling and rewarding game I know.”

‘Conscious Dreaming’ by Robert Moss

IFS Internal Family Systems (Parts Work)

IFS explores our inner “parts”; those attitudes and behaviours that  are meant to be in our best interests but can sometimes be in conflict with each other. You’ve probably heard someone comment “…part of me wants to do this (thing) but another part does not”. To gain a better understanding of who these parts are, what they represent, how they interact and how they influence our lives is the experiential process of this work. IFS is a compassionate practise and a journey of realization and profound understanding.

We’ll take a deep dive into this internal landscape where we can identify the parts that make up your inner family. We’ll connect to the energy of Self, the seat of consciousness and the deepest core of who we are.


Emotional Clearing

Emotional Clearing allows us to release negative or difficult feelings safely so that we can bring a sense balance back into our lives. Those uncomfortable parts of ourselves that sometimes chaotically arise when we are living through stressful times can be transformed through this work.

Feelings are composed of energy, and as this energy continues to build in the subconscious, it starts to act out.  It’s the energy of the feelings that influences us, coloring our thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, our health, and eventually attracting negative circumstances.”

–  ‘Emotional Clearing’  by John Ruskan

Biodynamic Massage

Biodynamic Massage understands that all human beings have the capacity for healing. It trusts in the body’s ability and wisdom to find its way into balance.  Working with all levels of a person; physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually – is the backdrop and foundation for this modality.  Some outcomes are that it increases body awareness, assists with emotional relief, helps to release body toxins and aids with relaxation because the massage releases muscle tension as it tones undertoned muscles.

I work online via Skype or Zoom

If you would like more information or would like to book a session, please click here:  Contact Page